Basic Material List
Linear Feet Of 6″x 8″ Eastern White Pine Logs: has a standard double tongue and groove joinery system. This allows for quick and
easy log setting. All Logs are milled to the specified profile and shipped in random lengths, typically up to 12′-16′ lengths for
Eastern White Pine. Logs are not precut for window/door openings and are not pre-drilled for lag screws, dowels or electrical.
Log Siding
Linear Feet of 2″x8″ Log Siding: For dormers & gable ends, matches your log profile.
Log Skirting
2″ x 8″ typically two courses in a matching profile and species that match’s the log wall materials. Log skirting covers the exposed
band of the floor system.
All Required Hardware: Log screws, 3/8″x 1/2″ gasket tape, caulking, & 1″ hardwood dowels.
Construction Manual: The manual walks you all phases of log home construction.
Blue Prints
5 sets of CAD generated blue prints, includes foundation prints.